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Diamond Standard


S.Diamond Standard

S.Diamond's diamond selection standards


Diamonds that meet S.Diamond standards must have the following properties:

• There are certificates from world-renowned gemological institutes such as GIA, HRD.

• Diamond color DJ (water 100-94)

• Cleanliness FL-VS1

• For round diamonds – Cut level 3 Excellent (Triple Excellent)

• Diamond Hearts & Arrows

• No Fluorescence

• No Grainings

• No black blemishes

• The color of the diamond is not green or brown.

DJ Color and Cleanliness FL-VS1


Every diamond that meets S.Diamond's standards must have a certificate from a world-renowned gemological institute, including GIA (Gemological Institute of America), HRD Antwerp Belgium.


Diamond colors according to S.Diamond standards range from DJ (water 100-94), which is a color level in the Colorless and Near Colorless groups.

However, diamonds weighing less than 0.30 carats according to the S.Diamond standard will be selected only with D color (water 100).




The standard clarity of S.Diamond is at the Flawless-VS1 level, which is the clarity level where internal flaws are so small that they do not affect the beauty and sparkle of the diamond. Internal flaws at this level are not visible to the naked eye. 

Diagram showing the clarity levels of diamonds

Diamonds weighing less than 0.30 carats according to the S.Diamond standard will be selected only with a clarity level of Flawless or Internally Flawless to ensure that the jewelry that the customer wears shines the most.

Level 3 EXCELLENT cut
(Triple Excellent)

Diagram showing the cut proportions of diamonds

Every diamond that passes the S.Diamond standard must have a Triple Excellent cut, which is the highest level. The 3 Excellent (Triple Excellent) according to the S.Diamond standard are as follows:

Diagram showing the cut grade of diamonds


  1. CUTTING EXCELLENT – The diamond's cut proportions are at an excellent level.

  2. POLISH EXCELLENT – The diamond's shine is excellent.

  3. SYMMETRY EXCELLENT – The diamond's symmetry is excellent.


You can check the 3 Excellent from the GIA and HRD certificates in the Cut Grade, Polish, Symmetry sections.


Fluorescence is the phenomenon of the glow of gemstones when exposed to ultraviolet light. It is commonly used to help distinguish gemstones of the same color but different types from each other, such as rubies and garnets, which are both red gemstones, and can be separated when examined under ultraviolet light.

Fluorescence in diamond quality testing is often misunderstood as causing the diamond to appear cloudy. In fact, Fluorescence will make the diamond appear whiter if the diamond is below the I Color grade. 

Diagram showing the level of Fluorescence


In addition, all diamonds that pass the S.Diamond standard will not exhibit fluorescence when exposed to ultraviolet light.



Hearts & Arrows is the best proportional diamond cut. Hearts & Arrows in diamonds are the result of the diamond being cut symmetrically at every angle. When examining Hearts & Arrows with S.Diamond's special camera, you will see 8 arrows (Arrow) from above and when looking from below, you will see 8 hearts (Heart).

When looking at the diamonds that pass the S.Diamond standard, every piece will have Hearts & Arrows.

Diamond flaws


Each diamond has a different type of inclusion, and each type of inclusion has a different apparent clarity, such as: 


Indented Natural or Feather refers to the cracks that are more visible. 

Pinpoint which has the appearance of small bubble dots 

Needle is a small line and Cloud is a series of small points close together. The best or most acceptable types of inclusions are Pinpoint, Needle and Cloud. A single diamond can have more than one type of inclusion.


The size and number of inclusions are also important. Two diamonds with the same clarity grade can have very different sizes and numbers of inclusions. A diamond with smaller inclusions and fewer of them is more beautiful and rare than a diamond with larger inclusions and more of them. The location of the inclusions is also very important. Inclusions on the edges of the stone are harder to notice than those in the center or table surface of the diamond.


Every S.Diamond standard diamond has the fewest blemishes possible in that grade. Importantly, the types and positions of blemishes must be the least in number and the hardest to notice.



Diamonds that meet S.Diamond standards will not have Graining or stone lines on the diamond surface called Surface Graining and stone lines inside the diamond called Internal Graining. These stone lines are thin lines that occur while the diamond is formed beneath the earth's surface. Graining can be verified from the diamond certificate and from the 40x magnification microscope that we have prepared.


Black Inclusion


There are many types of diamond flaws and black flaws are the easiest to see. S.Diamond standard diamonds will not have black flaws which are found in lower value diamonds. However, the certificate usually does not specify the color of the flaw. However, the flaw can be examined using a 40x magnification microscope which we have provided. 

There is no green or brown diamond.


Greenish or brownish colored diamonds are commonly found in industrial diamonds, and are of Commercial Quality (the lowest quality that can be used for making jewelry). When used for making jewelry, the clarity of the diamond is lower, and the color tone of the diamond is generally not specified on the diamond certificate.

But S.Diamond's standard diamonds will be inspected first to ensure that they do not have a green or brown tint, so that customers can be confident that they will receive the best quality diamonds from us.



The meticulous selection of diamonds, combined with the delicacy and attention to detail in every step of production, makes our products sparkle beautifully and give you timeless satisfaction, in line with the brand philosophy of “Craft your timeless satisfaction”.

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